31 Year Old Freshman

Monday, March 05, 2007

Assignment #9 Double Entry Journal on Short Story "The Circuit" from America Street

Double Entry Journal on “The Circuit” from America Street

“The Circuit” by Francisco Jimenez

“As we drove away, I felt a lump in my throat. I turned around and looked at our little shack for the last time.”

This line made me think of how humans are creatures of habit. We humans get used to just about any situation no matter how adverse. From the hot stench of garbage in the summer that we in NYC are familiar with to the tiny little shack that makes Panchito choke up.

The sprucing up of the new shack in Fresno.

No matter how embarrassing it might be for immigrants to live in sub standard conditions and accept low wages, they always try to maintain some semblance of dignity. Even in a shack with a dirt floor Panchito’s father made sure that shack will be as nice as possible for his family.

The acceptance of Panchito by his teacher Mr. Lema, then Panchito coming home to see his families' belongings being packed once again.

 I like this gritty ending because it showed how vulnerable the family was. What's notable is that this story could easily have been written today as it was written 30 yrs ago.